Welcome to my Dojo
My name is Phill Shepherd and I am Head Sensei and owner of Rochester Wadokai. I have trained in martial arts since 1996, obtaining the following grades – Chum Kune Do – Black Sash, Iaido – 3rd Dan Black Belt and Wado Ryu Karate – 5th Dan Black Belt.
I started my Karate career in 2010 at a local class, not long after my daughter was born. I was a stay at home Dad and needed the weekly training to keep my brain active , along with my sanity.
Within a few months of training, I was spotted by a visiting Sensei – Barry Archer, Head of Ushido Wadokai and was promptly informed that I would be training with him from that point on. Under his expert training and guidance I progressed quickly and by 2011 was gifted the Dojo , then based at Dance Junction.
Since then we have moved venue to Kings Sport Centre in Rochester, grown from strength to strength, now running classes 4 times a week.
I am a great believer in the traditional methods of karate teaching, focusing on a structured class following the UK Bushido grading syllabus (British Wadokai) This format teaches discipline, focus, self control, confidence and fitness of the students. My classes are open to ages 4 upwards and I encourage parents / carers of the younger students to come and train alongside as this often helps them to settle and build confidence + Karate is for everyone, no matter the age or ability.
Give it a go!
Phill Sensei 5th Dan